Tame Impala revela más material de Currents con B-sides & Remixes


Tame Impala se adelantó a la fecha de lanzamiento y liberó hoy Currents B-Sides & Remixes, un EP con temas inéditos y dos versiones de su tercer y exitosísimo disco.

List of People (To Try And Forget About) es la canción que abre el EP, y según contó Kevin Parker al programa Beats 1, data de las sesiones de grabación de Lonerism (2012). Dijo:

It was one of the first songs I started writing really more towards the end of Lonerism, which is how I do it with songs/albums overlapping like that. I guess one of the reasons it didn’t end up on the album is because it was started on so early and I was so over it by the time I was finishing the album, but by the time I got to finish it I was really satisfied with it as a song, and as a chunk of my creativity and emotion and stuff.

Este EP forma parte de un box set mayor de Currents, titulado oportunamente Collectors Edition, que se conforma por el disco original en vinilo rojo, los dos remixes y los tres temas inéditos, un poster y una revista que relata la grabación del disco. Todo por la módica suma de U$S 74,98.